Following the delegate meeting, CTU President Jesse Sharkey completed the union`s preliminary agreement with the city and called it a “contract we can believe in.” However, he said that the delegates had made it clear “unambiguously” that they were not prepared to stop the strike without a provision giving back those lost days. Members of the Chicago Union of Teachers will not be in school Thursday morning and their strike will last at least a day after the union`s Chamber of Deputies agreed to a tentative agreement with the city, but refused to return to work. Measures to combat overcrowding will therefore only come into force if there are 4, 4 and 7 students respectively above what a normal class should have, according to the agreement. The tentative agreement between Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers` Union was passed Wednesday night by CTU`s elected delegates by 362-242 distant votes. The agreement is still subject to the union`s agreement. And CPS doesn`t need to set the costs yet. The union also stated that the strict cap on class size was “automatically triggered” in the preliminary agreement – meaning that whenever a class exceeds the limit of a specified amount (different by grade), that class would automatically be referred to the joint committee, with discharge required by the contract. CTU said early Thursday that the agreement included a nurse and a social worker in every school community every day, a claim that put the union at the center of the strike. “We have an interim agreement, but we don`t have a return to work,” CTU said in a tweet late Wednesday. “We will be at city hall at 10:.m a.m.
to ask the mayor to give back our days.” The preliminary agreement between the pages included class size limitations and requires oversized classes to add another teacher or teaching assistant to K-8 classes. Oversized high school classes must add another teacher or an additional class section. “This historic, fiscally responsible agreement includes investments and initiatives that will build on the incredible progress of our schools and support our commitment to justice. We are proud of the significant benefits the agreement will bring to our employees, students and families, and look forward to all that our community will accomplish together over the next five years. You can see The provisional agreement obtained by Chalkbeat here. The agreement was reached after 11 days of school where teachers are on strike.