It is very important to note that chamapophyses are one of the last areas of the body to sclerosis, only completely merging about 20 years12,14. These bone islets of endochondrale ossification are often misinterpreted in imaging as fragmented or degenerative pubic bones. There is increasing attention that pubic adductor groin pain in athletes aged 14-19 is often shampoo. This should always be considered as a possible differential diagnosis for adductor-related groin pain in younger athletes. We used a Delphi process to get an agreement. Prior to the meeting, several authors were invited to conduct systematic audits to provide a recent synthesis of current knowledge on important issues related to groin pain in athletes. These criticisms were presented at the conference as guest presentations and accompany this statement in this issue. With the evaluations, all members participated in a Delphi questionnaire prior to the meeting. This article is presented There are many possible causes and a figure is shown in Table 1. The main categories are orthopedic, neurological, rheumatological, urological, gastrointestinal, dermatological, oncology and surgical, but this list is not exhaustive, as many rare diseases can cause groin pain.
Nine groin pains, 3 hernias, 2 beginner hernias, 2 hernias, 1 Gilmore groin, 1 puboid cartilage knit, 1 groin trunk, 1 ilioinguinal disorder, 1 denture, 1 rear jaw headband, 1 posterior wall collar, 1 headbone injury to the trunk muscle and 1 hip groin. Supervised physical training leads to greater success and the percentage of athletes returning to play than passive physical therapies. There is moderate evidence that for long-standing adductor groin pain: the context and the process of meeting the agreement; Diagnosis of groin injuries is primarily clinical, but imaging can be helpful. In 2007, the clinical approach “entity” was introduced with standardized reproducible analysis methods to identify anatomical structures that cause groin pain.