Mandatory Services Agreement

14.2 This agreement, associated with the privacy policy, constitutes the whole agreement between the parties regarding the purpose of this agreement. The failure of a party to apply a provision of this agreement at any time does not constitute a waiver of that provision or any other provision of this agreement. You can provide other clearing services as long as it does not affect your ability to provide PSCs. Mandatory services are specific services that states must cover for certain groups of Medicaid recipients, both adults and children under 21. If the licensee files a paid application, if this application is approved by Zendesk, and if the licensee follows the necessary registration and list steps that are included and which have been communicated by other means to the licensee, the licensee can list the paid application on the Marketplace and charge subscribers for the purchase of the paid app. The fees levied on the sale of the licensed app (“purchase fee”) must be processed through the payment processor account for which the licensee is registered as part of the paid application list. The purchase costs are processed by the licensee`s subscriber through the liquidator. The purchase costs are paid into the licensee`s Payment Processor account, in accordance with the terms of the contract between the purchaser and the liquidator. Zendesk reserves the right to charge the licensee royalties for each aspect of the Marketplace, which were communicated to the licensee at the time of the list of the paid application or after a period of ten (ten) days to the licensee. The continuous list of the paid application in the market place after Zendesk notified of the collection of these royalties is considered a consent to the collection and collection of these royalties. With regard to actual services and cost centres, you will see that ICASS is mostly a voluntary system, but there are two mandatory services that everyone has to accept – the basic package and the Community Liaison function (CLO). 4.3 The licensee assures, guarantees and commits to include it in the Terms of Use (“Conditions of Mandatory Service”) that govern the use of its applications by subscribers, as shown in point 4.4 below. These mandatory terms of service are a minimum set of rules and the licensee may have more detailed terms of use of the application.

The licensee may change the terms to comply with the terms of use of the application. Mandatory services provided by mobile unit providers to Medicaid recipients may be limited by the Agency.
